Enroll Today!
North Central Academy is still accepting new enrollments. If you are interested in possibly enrolling your child, please fill out the Online Enrollment Inquiry form and someone from the office will contact you to set up a tour.
If applications exceed the positions available, a random lottery selection will be held. Any students exceeding the limit would be added to the waiting list in the order the application was received. If a lottery drawing is needed, names will be drawn until all available classroom positions are filled. Any remaining names will be drawn to establish waiting list priority to be used to fill openings during the school year for which the student applied. All applications received after the lottery are added in the order in which they are received. The lottery is drawn starting with kindergarten applications, with preference given to siblings of enrolled students. If space is not available for siblings, they are placed at the top of the waiting list for their grade level. It is possible at times for these siblings to move up on the waiting list ahead of other students, as it is always our desire to keep families together. Students who are placed on the waiting list and are not enrolled during the current school year will need to reapply for the following school year.
If you have any questions about setting up a tour or about enrolling your child, please contact Dani Williams by calling the front office at 231-584-2080.